Revolutionize Remote Work with AI on Solana

Your new teammate is here, powered by Solana's blockchain! This AI bot is supercharged by our very own Token, making teamwork a breeze.
No more report pile-ups or misunderstandings.

With clear communication, your team's productivity will go to the moon!

Clear as Blockchain Transparency!

Eliminate the confusion and wasted time plaguing business communication!
91% of employees struggle with unclear messages. Our solution harnesses the power of AI and blockchain to ensure crystal-clear chats through advanced NLP. 
Say goodbye to miscommunication and hello to an era of error-free communication, powered by the synergy of AI and blockchain.


Increased costs
Missed deadlines
Decreased productivity
Learn More

Our Direction

NLP tech plus cutting-edge blockchain = teamwork efficiency on fire! Powered by our Solana token ecosystem.


To elevate workplace productivity with AI-driven tech, boosting efficiency, all supercharged by our token's blockchain strength.


Picture a world where AI not only clears up miscommunication issues but also enhances team synergy, enriched by our token on Solana which lets you own a piece of botup.ai’s adventure.


Blend smart AI with a sprinkle of blockchain genius, making the tough stuff a breeze for a workspace that's smooth and smart.

Level up with botup’s Automated Reports!

Got a remote team drowning in the sea of daily reports? Say no more. Our AI, fortified with crypto innovation, filters through conversation currents and surfaces with crystal-clear reports, all while our blockchain token keeps our solution afloat.

Our product is live and ready to streamline your success, download it now!.

Smart Contract

We jazz up our smart contracts with top-notch encryption and ninja coding moves, then let security wizards (third-party experts) hunt for bugs like it's a treasure hunt. Crafted to the latest magical standards, our contracts are secure and zip around like caffeinated squirrels!


Boost your bank balance by hitching your wagon to our token staking express; it's the easiest ride to a river of rewards. Who knew making money while you snooze could be a piece of cake?


At botup.ai, privacy isn't just a feature—it's a fortress. Like a cryptographic vault, we keep your communications under wraps, ensuring only the right eyes have the keys to your conversation kingdom.


Unlock the Power of AI and Blockchain

Guard your digital treasures to prevent:

  • Insider Threats
  • Data Losses
  • Unauthorized Access and Misuse

Decoding the mysteries of mouse clicks for genius-level boss moves!

  • Gathers Data Dynamically
  • Analyzes Patterns Precisely
  • Recognizes Behavioral Trends

Efficiency in high gear, thanks to our clever AI!

  • Automates Repetitive Tasks
  • Balances Workload Intelligently
  • Monitors Workflows for Optimal Performance

Smart Tracking, Smarter Workspaces!

  • Easily Monitors Workflows
  • Generates Personalized Reports
  • Review Team Goals and Achievements in Real-Time
Smoothly Integrated

Easily Connect botup.ai with the Tools You Already Use and Love!

Our mix of advanced natural language processing, machine learning and AI technology provides an efficient and effective solution to communication and reporting challenges faced by remote teams. Top it up with Solana blockchain and you get the perfect blend!

How botup.ai Works

Our advanced AI system specializes in optimizing remote work environments and offering solutions to boost overall efficiency and productivity.

Analyzes work and communication patterns with our AI technology
Provides real-time feedback to team members
Delivers actionable insights and summaries from team interactions and workflows

Why botup.ai is the Smart Choice

  • Our AI is the magician of the messaging world, turning chaotic talks into harmonious chats
  • Boost your team's efficiency to Lambo speeds with our AI-powered multitool
  • Our AI is like a report wizard, creating detailed and spot-on reports in a snap, saving you precious time and effort.
HODLing the Key to Efficiency!
Level Up your Team

Take Your Business to the Next Level

  • Eliminate human mistakes
  • Save time, cash, and effort
  • Polish your service
  • Reduce the need for manual processes
  • Set your life settings to "Easy Mode"

Want Peak Efficiency? Minimize Effort and Maximize Results with botup.ai!

Contact Us

botup.ai token

Imagine owning a piece of botup.ai! Our special token lets you do just that. When you buy a token, you become more than a passenger. You're steering the ship with us, directly benefiting from the revenue generated by the platform.

The botup.ai utility token grants users a share in the earnings from our innovative AI solution. Token ownership ties users' success to ours, as they gain a proportional stake in the revenue.


Here's a quick slice of how our tokens stack up:

A hefty 40% goes towards User Acquisition and Rewards, ensuring our community isn't just growing, it's benefiting too. It's our way of thanking our users for being part of the journey and powering our market debut.

20% is invested in Development and Research, keeping botup.ai at the forefront of technology. We're committed to innovation, always.

We dedicate 15% of our resources to both our Reserve Fund and to our Team and Advisors, emphasizing our dedication to stability and expertise for the long run.

The final 10% is for Strategic Partnerships, fostering collaborations that enhance the botup.ai experience for everyone involved.


  • 2023
    • Create a plugin for Rocket.Chat to generate automated reports with AI
  • 2024
    • Develop a Slack plugin for automated report generation using AI
    • Incorporate insider threat detection for improved security
    • Introduce data loss prevention for robust information protection
    • Implement behavior analytics to understand and improve workflow in the company
    • Introduce real-time activity tracking for better project management
    • Integrate screen capture and session recording to oversee worker activities and support training
    • Add behavioral analytics-based anomaly detection to quickly spot and address unusual patterns
    • Integrate the data from user activity monitoring into the generated reports
    • Introduce conversation supervision by AI to identify and resolve misunderstandings
    • Create the botup.ai utility token that enables access to our services
  • 2025
    • Implement automated policy and rules enforcement to maintain operational standards
    • Add user activity and productivity logs feature to track and boost efficiency
    • Add automated scheduling and calendar management with analysis of meeting patterns
    • Integrate monitoring of employee workflows for optimized task management
    • Integrate the ability to summarize any text document shared on your team communication platform (Rocket/Slack), and provide key information
    • Incorporate email and file monitoring for security and compliance
    • Tasks distribution among team members based on workload and expertise using AI algorithms for balancing work demands
    • Introduce recognition of repetitive tasks and automation of them by AI. This advancement aims to significantly reduce the workload on employees, enhancing efficiency and operational productivity
    • Include web filtering to maintain a focused and secure browsing environment
    • Implement a feature to help make strategic decisions with AI algorithms that predict future trends based on historical data and analytics